Office number: (620) 624-2774
Our crisis hotline number: (620) 624-8818
LARC DVS strives to provide the victims of domestic and sexual abuse with a supportive and nurturing environment where they can heal and recover. We aim at providing you with the best support; this is why we partner with many organizations that can help us achieve this goal.
We also have national partners to help you better. One of our partners in the National Network to End Domestic Violence. You can also rely on us to refer you to a tenant-based rental program when necessary (DCF).
Knowing that we are a Seward County United Way and Grant County Gives Agency will give you the confidence to trust us.
Call us today for free services.
You can come to us with nothing but the clothing on your back and we'll provide you with everything you need until you're ready to get back into the community.
We serve a 6-county area and are the only firm in the area that helps with domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
The KCSDV helps us with the training and technical assistance required. Visit to learn more about the training and technical assistance provided by the KCSDV.
When you come to LARC DVS for help, we'll focus on helping you rebuild your life and get back on your feet. While you're in our shelter, we'll provide you with everything:
No matter how complicated your problem is or where it occurred, we'll be there to help you. Call our 24-hour crisis line today. In addition to this, we'll make recommendations to our community partnerships depending on what you need, whether that is education, clothing, employment, etc.
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